CPP30619 Certificate 3 in Investigative Services - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane - Call (08) 6186 6416

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How to get a PI licence

Licences for private investigators are generally issued and administered by police services in conjunction with courts in most states, however, in some states or territories of Australia this is managed by other government agencies such as Fair Trading.

Shown below is information sourced from relevant licensing authorities. You should check with them as to eligibility and procedure. In most instances the issue of a licence is directly dependent to you taking the Certificate 3 in Investigative Services course through a registered training organisation (RTO) such as ASSI or by TAFE. The rules vary between states and territories in Australia.

Australian Capital Territory

The ACT does not yet require private investigators to be licensed, however, plans are underway toward licensing. The reality is that insurance companies and other organisations prefer to deal with licensed private investigators and therefore it is recommended to obtain a licence under NSW legislation.

New South Wales

On 1 July 2022, the Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004 (CAPI) was repealed.

Now investigators in NSW are licensed pursuant to the Security Industry Act 1997 which defines a private investigator as a person who is employed or engaged for the purposes of either or both of the following:

  • (a) the investigation of persons, being any activity carried out by a person on behalf of a second person (not being his or her employer) that involves finding a third person or investigating a third person’s business or personal affairs,
  • (b) the surveillance of persons, being any activity carried out by a person on behalf of a second person (not being his or her employer) that involves the surveillance of a third person.

Private inquiry agents are now known as private investigators and are regulated by the Security Licensing Enforcement Directorate (SLED) under the Security Industry Act 1997. Private investigators require a Class 2E (Private Investigator) security operative licence to carry on investigation or surveillance activities, or a Master security licence to carry on business in either or both of activities.

To be eligible for a Class 2E security licence, an applicant must have completed CPP30619 Certificate III in Investigative Services, and must provide their qualifications within 42 days of lodging their application.

A Master security licence authorises the holder to provide a specified number of licensed operatives on any one day to carry on security activities.

For more information and to apply for licences visit the SLED website.

Note that from 8 June 2022 SLED is exempt from Automatic Mutual Recognition legislation.

Northern Territory

Private investigators obtain licences from the local courts under the Commercial and Private Agents Licensing Act 1979. The applicant must be at least 18 years old, not a bankrupt and there are provisions for other persons to object to an application. Administration of licences is carried out in the Northern Territory by the Department of Business (DoB).

Telephone: (08) 8999 5511

Offices: Level 5, Charles Darwin Centre, 19 The Mall, Darwin NT 0800

Currently it there is no requirement in the NT to undertake a training course to be eligible for a licence.


Private investigators in Queensland operate under Security Providers Act (1993) and licences are administered by the Office of Fair Trading (QLD). It defines eligibility criteria:

  • Minimum 18 years of age
  • Successful completion of a training course approved by the OFT
  • Must be an appropriate person to hold the licence

You should contact the Office of Fair Trading in Queensland for precise information. Licensing information and licence applications are handled by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General - full details here

South Australia

Private investigators in South Australia hold a Private Agents licenses administered by the Office of Consumer & Business Affairs, under the Security and Investigation Agents Act (1995).

The OBCA provides information about licensing eligibility at their website or contact Business & Occupational Services, Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, Level 3 Chesser House, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide.


The Security and Investigations Agents Act 2002 provides for the licensing and control of Inquiry Agents is administered by the Department of Justice. You can apply for a security licence if you:

  • Are 18 years or older
  • Have successfully completed the required training
  • Have no recorded conviction of a disqualifying offence

The training requirement for new applicants is the Certificate 3 in Investigative Services. For forms and full details go to the Dept of Justice website here.


Private investigators in Victoria are known as Private Investigators and are licensed through the Licensing Services Division (LSD) which is administered by Victoria Police under the The Private Security Act 2004.

NOTE: Licensing rules require that your Certificate III in Investigative Services must be NO MORE than 12 months old to be acceptable.

Licensing requirements:

  • Investigator applicants must complete the appropriate training for the activity of investigator
  • Probity requirements (criminal history check) must be fulfilled
  • Certain offences prohibit persons from obtaining a licence
  • Conditions may be placed on licences
  • Conditions may relate to training, supervision or case-by-case circumstances

For precise information see the Victoria Police Licensing Services Division (LSD) website here or go to:

Licensing Services Division
Level 4, Yarra Tower (Building D)
Victoria Police Centre
637 Flinders Street Melbourne 3005

Phone: 1300 651 645

TO APPLY FOR A LICENCE DIRECTLY GO THE VICPOL e-portal https://www.police.vic.gov.au/eservices-portal

Western Australia

Private investigators in Western Australia are licensed by the Western Australian Police Service under the Security and Related Activities (Control) Act (1996).

Two types of licences are available:

  • Inquiry Agent - A person who can engage investigators to carry out the investigations, but may not carry out the work themselves unless they are also a licensed investigator;
  • Investigator - A person who is engaged by an Inquiry Agent to carry out investigations.

It's a little like the relationship between solicitors and barristers. You should find out precise information from the Commercial Agents Squad, 297 Hay St, East Perth WA 6004 or visit their website here.

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